Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Sesame Street Does Mad Men

Two of my favorite things together at last: Muppets and "Mad Men."  Somebody call Zack Morris because I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so... scared. 

Considering Sesame Street's content limitations, they do a pretty good job with the parody.  Although it would have been cool if the Muppets were drinking cranberry juice or orange juice as a substitute for the scotch "Mad Men" characters always have in their hand.  Then again I'm not a puppeteer so I don't know how hard it is to make a Muppet hold a glass.

I wonder if the Muppet version of Betty Draper is just as mean to her kids.

More importantly, we learned that even a children's program can make a funnier  "Mad Men" parody than Saturday Night Live.

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