Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

What's the Difference Between a Bomb Pop, Rocket Pop, and Firecracker?

I''ve often wondered about this, but it's hard to come across a valid explanation.  They all seem like the same red, white, and blue popsicle.

I assumed that Bomb Pop, Rocket Pop, and Firecracker were just different ways of describing the same product.

Like a regional thing where maybe the East Coast calls it a Bomb Pop, but on the West Coast it's a Rocket Pop.

This isn't the case though.  They are technically not interchangable, but rather three similar yet distinct products.

Bomb Pops are the original trademarked brand of tri-colored popsicles made by a company called Blue Bunny.

Nestle's Rocket Pops and Popsicle's Firecrackers are knock-offs of the Bomb Pop.

Think of it like the Law and Order TV series: where Bomb is the original,  Rocket is an on par variation such as SVU, and Firecracker is Law and Order LA which everybody knows is a poor imitation of the original.

Sticking with that analogy, the crimes would have to be:  someone killing you for your Bomb Pop, sexually assaulting you with your Rocket Pop and having Alfred Molina partner with the Firecracker to solve an LA crime in a desperate attempted to make you watch an inferior show.

I know that I'd rather have a Bomb or Rocket Pop instead of a Firecracker.  All these popsicles for some reason are named after things that explode, but Firecrackers take it too far.

They feature a variety with an exploding candy tip.  This has to be someone's idea of a sick joke because  generally only porn stars like to have things explode in their mouth.

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