Jumat, 27 April 2012
Kid N Play Dance
The dance made famous by rappers Kid 'N Play and nicknamed the "the Funky Charleston" never loses its appeal. In fact it puts the original Charleston to shame.
People are forever trying to recreate this scene from "House Party." For instance, Lebron James in this State Farm commercial.
I'm sure one of the big reasons James signed with the Miami Heat was so he and Wade could be the new age Kid 'N Play.
Look at this picture and try and tell me that they aren't dressed to rock a 90s house party like Kid 'N Play.
Since there are only two members of Kid 'N Play that also explains why Chris Bosh is the odd man out in Miami. He only gets to fill the role of the DJ that nobody cares about.
Jumat, 13 April 2012
The Better Blues Traveler Song: Run-Around or Hook
I think it's safe to assume that most people only know two Blues Traveler songs "Run Around" and "Hook." They were pretty much two-hit wonders.
If you know more than those two songs, congratulations. You were either a real fan or someone who bought the Blues Traveler album Four in a fit of passion during the 90s
I'm sure it's sitting right next to your Chumbawamba and Tonic CDs.
On the surface, "Run Around" seems to be the better song since it appeared higher on the Billboard Top 40 chart and it's Blues Traveler's' signature song.
Not to mention, the rapid fire pace of the song is pretty catchy. But more often than not, people have told me that they prefer "Hook."
In a way, it is superior. The song's lyrics taunts listeners that even though it's spouting nonsense that its catchiness will draw them in, and "Hook" delivers on this promise.
Originally I believed that "Run Around" was the better song, but over the years I've concluded that "Hook" is.
At least there's one thing we can all agree on though: fat John Popper was so much better than skinny John Popper.
Which song do you think is better?
Better Blues Travelers Song
Jumat, 06 April 2012
Betty Francis and Bugles
I hate to say I told you so, but Betty Francis eating Bugles on this week's "Mad Men" just proves my point about the lameness of Bugles.
If Betty is the face for liking your product, then you're in trouble. Many people consider her the worst character on "Mad Men" and despise her.
Bugles took away the one thing she always had going for her: looks. There's no doubt that excessive Bugle consumption played a part in making Betty fat.
Eating Bugles on a couch is a person's white flag that he or she has given up on life or certain standards of life.
I'd also argue it's a red flag because there's really not a good reason to be doing that.
Although, it makes sense that Betty would enjoy Bugles. It's a fundamentally flawed snack for a fundamentally flawed person.
Both seem like they should be a lot better than they actually are, and creepy kid Glen Bishop probably became as obsessed with Bugles as he was with her.
Plus, Betty can put them on her fingers when she's being a mean witch to her children to get the full effect.
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