Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Globe Genie

It's just what you need: another cool yet distracting thing on the internet.

Developed by M.I.T grad student Joe McMichael, Globe Genie transports you to any part of the world with just one click via google maps and street view.

It's a personal preference but I find yelling "Yatta" like Hiro Nakamura from "Heroes" every time you click  makes it more enjoyable.

I wouldn't suggest you keep clicking until you are transported to your hometown.  I lost an hour doing that and it still didn't work.

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Wojtek the Solider Bear

A bear that fought Nazis, hell yeah.  How come nobody told me about this sooner?

Apparently the Polish Army had a brown bear they dubbed Private Wojtek that served with them during World War II.  It's detailed here.

They acquired the bear as a cub and then seemingly domesticated the bear.  Granted the bear was really more of a mascot than a fighter, but it did help unload artillery during a battle.

Although I'm a little concerned that the article says the bear stood in as a replacement for the wives of soldiers.  You're not suppose to do that type of stuff with bears.

Also, it's kind of disappointed that the U.S. didn't have their own solider bear.  Why didn't they crack that soldier bear?  Maybe they could have trained their bear to use a gun.

You could train a whole bear army.  Then again, bears are already stronger and faster than us so giving then guns might not be the best idea.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Damn You Old Navy Mannequin Commercials

There's not one redeeming thing to say about Old Navy's mannequin commercials.  They're awful on every level yet they continue to be produced.  It's unbelievable.

Manequins making unfunny jokes and breaking body parts wasn't funny the first time so why would it get any funnier the next 500.  I think they've been on TV for over a year at this point.

Is Old Navy doing some psychological experiment to see if they can break our spirits until we actually think they're good commercials?

It's the only logical explanation I can come up with.

For some reason these commercials really anger me.  I think it's because I find it insulting that Old Navy expects me tolerate these commercials, and I know that I'll never get that wasted time back.

I know what you're thinking: "If you're talking about the commercials then it's doing something right."  But you're wrong.

I haven't set foot in an Old Navy since those commercials started and don't intend to anytime soon.

At first it was a coincidence, but now I make it a point because there's no way I'm encouraging these stupid commercials.

Well that and Old Navy doesn't realize it's not 2000 so they don't need a whole section dedicated to Cargo pants.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Sesame Street Old Spice Parody: Smell Like a Monster

There's so many parodies of the Isaiah Mustafa Old Spice Commercial, but clearly this one is the best because it involves "Sesame Street" and Muppets.

"Sesame Street" already proved they could do a great parody with the Mad Men one.

And everything is better with Muppets.  In fact I'd like people a lot more if they were Muppets.

Like that guy on my street with the shopping cart full of cans would probably breakout into an entertaining and educational song about collecting cans if he was a Muppet.

In the immortal words of Homer Simpson when asked what a Muppet is, "Well it's not quite a mop and it's not quite a puppet but man (laughing)... So to answer your question I don't know."

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Who's the Most Famous Natural Redhead Woman in Hollywood?

I thought this was an easy question and assumed it would be Emma Stone or Christina Hendricks aka Joan from "Mad Men."

Then I found out that surprisingly they're both not natural redheads. Apparently Stone is a blonde which just seems weird since she's so synonymous with having red hair.

Emma Stone with blonde hair

This is like finding out Don Draper lost his mojo all over again.

What's next?  An HBO show not randomly featuring nudity just because it can.

Naturally red headed women must feel like the Na'vi because some outsiders just adapted their look and seemingly became the best representation of it.

But seriously, I don't know the answer to this question.  Lindsay Lohan doesn't really count because she's just famous for failing at life.

Does anybody know the answer?

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Who Eats Mamba Candy?

I haven't had Mamba candy since the mid 90s.  In fact I'm not even sure if it still exists because I haven't seen it at a store in years.  Although the internet seems to suggest that Mambas still do.

Mambas are kind of like fancy Starbursts that come in a pack of 20 featuring four flavors: strawberry, raspberry, lemon and orange.  

Much like Rolos, I find it hard to believe that many people eat Mambas or consider it their favorite candy.

Although, eating Mambas really does say something about a person.  There are certain types of people who eat them : 

  1. Snobby / pretentious people who think they're too good for Starbursts.  Nobody's above Starbursts. Plus Mambas don't have commercials like this.
  2. People who like to make it rain with their money.  Oh look at you, you can afford to pay over dollar for your fancy candy.
  3. Hipsters.  Starbursts are so played out, that's why I eat Mambas.
  4. People who don't want their candy to fit in their pocket. Package is too big to fit normally and always awkwardly sticks out.

Also, I feel like Mambas have been lying to us for years.  With a name like Mambas one would assume they're like the Latin America equivalent of Starbursts, but surprisingly the candy comes from Germany.  

Those sneaky Germans.  This isn't France; you just can't invade people's mouths when you want.

Apparently Mamba refers to the deadly Mamba snake.  But what the hell does that have to do with candy? I'll chalk it up to just another weird German thing.  

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Inception Trailer Acapella

Okay, nobody really wants to hear about "Inception" anymore because it always turns into the same 15 minute philosophical conversation.

 Don't worry, this is just mindless fun with the trailer.   Replacing the music in the trailer with acapella shouldn't be this amusing but it is.

Gets me every time with the BBROOOOOOAAAAAR sound.  The Ellen Page voice is pretty great as well.